Why Work With Me?

I will get straight into it.

  1. I won’t bullshit you.  I am not here to give you a false sense of hope so that you feel good that your career coach believes in you. Instead, you will leave our sessions with a clear sense of purpose, understanding that a lot of effort will go into pursuing your goals

    .- You can’t desire growth without resistance.

    – You can’t desire influence without opposition.

    – You can’t desire progress without discomfort.

    – If you are going to lead, you have to have the courage to be disliked.

– If you are going to champion change, you have to have the courage to be criticised.

– If you are going to be successful, you have to have the courage to be misunderstood.

I will empower you. I may have strong opinions on what is right or wrong, but what matters most is what my client feels is right for them. You only have one life, and it is yours to live and no one else, so it only makes sense that you should be empowered. Who knows, you may teach me (and the world) something new, all because you decided to take a bet on yourself. My job is to empower you and steer you in the right direction, but in the end, you are the one on the steering wheel writing your story, one chapter at a time.

Experience based coaching. Whereas I have grown my career from being a Marketing Intern to Global Management roles, I haven’t retired, at least not yet.  I am still in the process of growing and managing my career, which means that I am in a better position to support my clients as we are on the same journey.

I focus heavily on financial freedom. At the end of the day, whether you have 10 degrees and 100 years of work experience, all that hardly matters if you find yourself in a work environment that doesn’t serve you. The rules of the game may not be in your favour and to make matters worse,you have limited control on the outcome of your career in that specific space. So what happens to many people when they find themselves in these situations is that they start to despair and consistently overthink about how to gain control – affecting their self esteem, confidence and mental well-being. Well, once you begin your coaching with me, you will perfectly understand the heavy focus on financial freedom and how that ties to your career growth.

We will have fun. Sure look, I am Irish, so we will have some Craic. ( Craic is a term used to describe a good time, a fun experience, or a friendly conversation and is commonly used in Irish slang. )